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Deadliest Catch

Facing the Arctic Hurricane – How did the Deadliest Catch captains handle it?

Facing the Arctic Hurricane - How did the Deadliest Catch captains handle it?

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Over on the Saga so man you got to be you’re going to have to show these guys holy w i 60 knot winds and Rising seas are pushing 100,000 lb of gear across the deck threatening to capsize the boat keep pulling that chain up there in the middle pull it up in the middle right there he’ll get tight are there any bottom ties Jacob on the bottoms of the pots it’s sliding like there’s nothing tied to the bottom Dean

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Jacob Hutchins is responsible for securing the pots when I started stacking on top I went tied to the rail and then on the adjacent pot I didn’t do some of the bottom ones not going to do it everyone should have two Ties on the bottom that’s what holds it in the top ones don’t do a thing that’s why it’s sliding they’re all sliding him down bring him down facing a 40 mile steam Jake has to restack in building weather start bringing them down how we got to move down all of them the whole cat’s got to come off dude all the way to the first layer I didn’t even know it needed to be tied that’s the first C tie you tie in oh my God this is going to be taking longer than on the gear Sean is just pissed nothing like unstacking a stack you just spent hours stacking and piss you off here all right it’s going to blow like a bat out of Hill 310 Mi Northwest let’s dump these things going over skirting the edge of the storm we’re going to get all this gear off before it gets too crappy Brena a Skipper Shan DWI Works double time to set his pots before the weather shuts him down he got about a little less than 50 pots to go before this storm hits we want to get all 50 off so trying to trying to go fast king crab was good we were within the top oneir of votes finishing in Fleet after coming off a strong King season where he made over half a million dollars been a couple years since I’ve fished par die but it’s fun to get back to it Sean’s now hunting The elusive Bey crab 20,000 lb be Dy should go well hoping to get up into just some pure beedy rather than a mix of opies and all that stuff set up here to by the putter football Duty hole area I found that Sandy or harder mud was always the best for Paradise on his chosen grounds and with the storm closing in the wind’s going to be coming up I’m going to I’m going to bail out soon as we get these pots off we’re not staying out here sea will unload his pots and head to safety shot in the dark string we’re just going to go for it leaves are getting a little bigger like this you got a lot more stuff to watch out for the pots are swinging more everything’s moving not oh ly L little project child Luke marowski who’s my cousin and my greenhorn still getting used to the quick Pace on a crab boat greenhorn Luke marowski struggles to keep up we’ll see how he does these boys will not let him Slack watch out Luke you got to move he’s got some pressure on his shoulders move your ass green horn there is no way to describe the mental anguish that goes on out there come on room you let’s go after 3 hours last pots in the launcher right now sea approaches the end of his gear we’ll get rid of this thing and head for the barn fast man L going on glad these pots are in the water fishing glad Sean’s going to take us to St Paul and an grup got a high hopes for this string we’ll see all righty secure the deck headed to St Paul let these things soak can let the wind blow 280 Mi Northwest of Dutch Harbor on the Leading Edge of the storm it’s ripping right now the wind’s coming right off the beach out I’m sure it’s blowing 45 Brena a skipper Shawn dwire is looking for Safe Harbor don’t think they’re really supposed to look like that while his crew recovers from their Marathon set this one’s pretty Swan this one’s getting there little little shaky too be all right everybody gets clock start yeah I just prob do Luke’s got a little inflamation he’s a little puffy in the hands do you know what’s also good for your hand washing dish of mine my guy right there go ahead and get it hanging when you’re ready we are going to drop the anchor here behind St Paul with winds at 50 knots the young Skipper isn’t taking any chances okay go ahead well now we just sit and wait the weather’s only going to get worse 15 Mi Northeast go over we’re in the middle of a storm here on the Saga you know water seems relatively soft till it collects together and bashes into something it becomes like a concrete fist after a harrowing 40 m Steam from the north to new grounds in the South Captain Jake Anderson sets his gear in a howling Gale the weather’s lovely out right now I actually like it when it’s rough but uh makes it a little more dangerous over I ran about 40 miles to the South hopefully this does better I don’t know has to do better than fives and 10 let me tell you at least I’m trying here and I’m doing it on my own a partnership with Keith which brought him North didn’t pay off I don’t know what it’s going to do but all I know is I’m as far away from that Northern stuff as I could possibly get bad luck up there

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