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Deadliest Catch

The Northwestern Loses Power In The Middle Of The Bering Sea! | Deadliest Catch

The Northwestern Loses Power In The Middle Of The Bering Sea! | Deadliest Catch

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On the Northwestern well now you got wind that’s coming across this oh that’s never happened oh I just lost all right you ready yeah oh it looks pretty nasty out there uh these were set in the afternoon and so they got about 14 hours soak on them right now this quota is going fast there’s some real heavy fishing up above us we got to at least get through 250 pots a day we got to be aggressive now that’s just the bottom line that’s not good that’s not good well we got to stay with not de the fish are decent size that’s the good news there’s life you know we just got to keep uh mowing them down and work our way up the line so you go from Deep to shallower come on baby we’re in 60 59 fathoms on this �����

pot let’s see if there’s any fishies in here come on fishy oh yeah that pretty good that doesn’t look bad looks like 10 fish in that one 16 16 so there’s a few numbers around we just got to find some consistency that’s the trick oh look at that that’s good yeah yeah yeah and as I shallow up here it seems like this is just getting better and better on the end of this string 12 13 14 15 now I don’t know if it’s CU it’s shallowing up a little bit or is it just a spot that’s the problem but regardless that’s what you want to see right there oh look at that oh yeah it’s coming they coming on strong now put it back oh nice put it back that’s what we’re looking for right there that’s Hunny right there 24 we like that fighting 35 knot winds and building seas in the Eastern shallows right now they’re already a third through the quota oh my God Captain Sig Hansen and co- captain and daughter Mandy raced to claim their peace of the 12 million PB great Cod Derby before their competition beats them to it on every last fish you can catch this is a dir oh we’re in the dark Dam it oh man come on �����

there’s a good amount of oil coming out of the turbo it’s getting sprayed right into the intake we’re going to have to shut that down we’re just going to have to rely on the fort side for now and we have power defitely an oil L on the uh starboard auxilary something with the Turbo S I’m not starbard he’s already obviously switched over damn it like I said yesterday not load the load and I said it I wanted run the hydros on the one engine and run the chillers on the other that’s the last thing I said and I said to do it if it’s the load that caused that then that’s just oh I get so mad we’ve only got two auxiliaries that can run the chillers and so now we’re down one and that means you lose the other one for any reason you lose the fish you lose the whole load you lose the trip everything y h i just with over 100,000 lb still to catch and now running without a fail safe Sig pushes forward on his backup auxiliary engine Daddy not happy right now no I did not want do you want I know it’s not YouTube’s fault but I just got myed too hard I said I’m just a messenger man you just got to catch it as fast as you can and go deliver it right but we’re down one lose the other one for any reason we’re out of luck �����

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unbelievable right now we’re going to go check that next string just like hauling until your eyes pop out of your head come on man a little better feel a little better about this with just 40 hours left to deliver his Cod the skipper tests the limits of man and metal pushing his crew and his one working generator into the second day a Non-Stop grind fishing vessel Northwest F Coast Guard it’s good to have them out here patrolling you know it makes us feel safer hopefully they got everything under control Roger you there uh Captain thank you for your time uh we over a small boat for a boarding okay standing by 13 16 thanks well we’re going to get boarded shoot I’ll pull out all the documents and everything we need um go down and get that boarding ladder uh be ready okay they’ve been checking everybody in the area looking for any foreign fishing vessels or illegal activity and uh we’re next so hopefully that won’t slow us down too much

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