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Deadliest Catch

Why Longtime Fans Think Recent Episodes Of Deadliest Catch Have Been Lacking

Why Longtime Fans Think Recent Episodes Of Deadliest Catch Have Been Lacking

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Clark Pederson steering the boat on Deadliest Catch

Anyone interested in the experience of a lifetime spent fishing on some of the harshest waters on earth — but who would rather take it all in from the comfort and safety of their couch, instead of on the boat — should probably be watching Discovery’s “Deadliest Catch.” The reality television show follows brave and determined crews of crab fishermen as they embark on one of the deadliest jobs in the world — risking their lives to obtain delicious king crab for the masses. Currently, in Season 18, “Deadliest Catch” continues to showcase the difficulties the crew endures while out at sea and brings a harsh-yet-dramatic touch to the traditional reality format.

The success of the series comes from the loyal fanbase who continue tuning in, season after season, to join the fishers they’ve come to know from the earliest seasons, as well as any new crew members that may come on board. Recently though, a few fans have thrown shade at newer episodes of the show, and there does seem to be general consensus regarding the reason that viewers are tuning out.

The show seems to be upping the reality TV drama

Captain Sig and a crab on Deadliest Catch

Long-time fans can’t stand “Deadliest Catch” lately, and they have a lot to say regarding recent episodes of the show — specifically that it’s been on a downward slope. A Reddit thread made by u/sittinonlean calls out the show for becoming too much like traditional reality television. “We need to get back to its roots and away from Scripted Drama. Because these guys are crab fishermen, not Hollywood actors and IT DEFINITELY SHOWS!!!” Another user, u/someguyfromsk, wrote of their waning interest in the show, saying that each season was progressively less engaging than the prior one.

It would seem that fans are disappointed with the apparent change in how the show is put together, since viewers previously enjoyed feeling like at least this reality TV show was actually real. However, the idea that “Deadliest Catch” is scripted in any way has been shot down by Captain Josh Harris in an interview with Entertainment Weekly discussing the latest season. Harris gave a thoughtful answer when asked why he believes the show resonates with so many long-time fans. “In my opinion, it’s for real people with real problems. It’s not a scripted show. In my life, I can’t tell you how many people still, to this day, come up and give me a hug and say they’ve lost somebody or gone through things you’re going through or have been through. A lot of people can relate to that.”

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Each season has included not only the fishing crew risking their lives each season, but also the camera crew, and the footage gathered is something fans like to believe is an authentic look into the lives of these fishers. Nonetheless, the question of whether or not it’s real, or just reality television, remains.



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